Y.E.T. (Your eligible too)

Profile picture for 32990
by Angela M.

I’m starting a fundraiser because I am trying to be part of a team that comes together to advocate for people and help them. I was just sitting here enjoying my daughter and a little bored, although I have a newborn. I was thinking, I could be doing something a little more productive so I started messaging n having random conversations with people that are really going through tough times. So I decided if I could reach out n convince some people to help someone today. I’m not in that great of a mood either, but giving someone encouragement or a little help did make me feel better. Come on try it! Please donate to just being human today n helping someone in need. U never know u may redirect their whole day n they didn’t go down the road n have a wreck. Kind acts always go rewarded! Thank you

Just Started

Just started
Goal: $1,000.00

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    Profile picture for 32990
    Angela Mangrum started a fundraising campaign
    09 May 2024
    Y.E.T. (Your eligible too)
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Just Started

Just started
Goal: $1,000.00