August FAC Monthly Meeting
We talk all the time about multiple or even infinite pathways of recovery, but what are the pieces and parts people actually use in recovery? Tom Jackson will introduce many of them as he guides us through the concept of Personal Recovery Capital, which is an evidence-based method to assess our individual strengths and needs in recovery.
He will then introduce the concept of Community Recovery Capital and the concept of recovery deserts that we identify using a set of tools called Recovery Asset Mapping. So if you've ever wondered what a particular mutual support group, therapy group, or level of residential treatment is all about, bring your questions (or email them ahead of time to Tom at [email protected])
Once you RSVP, you will receive the Zoom link for the meeting!
(click Add to Calendar under Event Details to save to your calendar)
Here's more about Tom:
Tom Jackson (he/him) has been in sustained substance use recovery since May 13, 1991 and his last severe mental health crisis was in 2009. He is a Virginia Registered Peer Recovery Specialist (2017) with additional certifications and authorizations: Peer Specialist Trainer (2019), Peer Ethics Trainer (2019), Peer Supervisor (2018), and LGBTQIA+ Specialist (2022). Subsequent to a V-RAP Campaign, he was one of the contributors to the 2023 revision of the Virginia official CPRS training manual with a focus on LGBTQIA+ DEIJ. He is also a start-up member of the Virginia Department of Behavioral Health and Developmental Services (DBHDS) Office of Recovery Services' Ethics Advisory, Review and Support Committee.
He is a facilitator of many recovery programs: WRAP (2019), APPR (2023), SMART (2018), Certified Older Adult Peer Specialist and COAPS Trainer (2021), Personal Medicine (2022), and AcuDetox (2004).
He is an Organizer with the Virginia Recovery Advocacy Project and is a founding organizer of an in-formation Mental Wellbeing group. He has been trained in Public Narrative and Relational Organizing through WiLD, the Wisconsin Leadership Development Project*, based on the Relational Organizing program developed by Marshall Ganz at the Harvard Kennedy School of Government and has led V-RAPs planning, organizing and legislative actions for the past two years, with special attention to development of the peer workforce and dropping barrier crimes to employment, access to medications for students substance use disorder treatment in rural areas, and mandatory training of first responders in full Harm Reduction, not just NARCAN. In the recent January to April legislative session, we won some and lost some.
His “day job” is being the Recovery Programs Manager at Western State Hospital in the Shenandoah Valley of Virginia. He has 22 years' experience working with and advocating for people with co-occurring conditions.
** He was formerly a Program Manager of the Wellness Recovery Center crisis stabilization unit at the Region Ten Community Services Board in Charlottesville***.